Design and Build

Transforming your vision into a home that resonates with your heart.

At Elevation Homes, we believe your home should mirror your lifestyle. Our process starts with understanding your unique needs and aspirations.

We work closely with you during the selection process to ensure that every material, fixture and finishing choice meets your exact desires. From paint colours to flooring options, we’re here to guide you through the selection journey.

It’s a Partnership

We communicate openly, valuing your input at every step. Our network of skilled, like-minded contractors shares our commitment to excellence. Together, we create homes that stand as a testament to our dedication to quality and your dreams.

Experience the Elevation Homes difference – where every home is a unique reflection of you, brought to life through genuine partnerships and unwavering craftsmanship.

As part of your journey in designing and constructing your project, we offer a complimentary,
no-obligation site assessment. During this assessment, we will consider the following:

1. Optimise Orientation

We will analyse how the site is positioned in relation to the sun and determine the optimal placement for your house to maximize natural light and energy efficiency.

2. Earthworks Evaluation

We will assess the extent of earthworks necessary for your project, ensuring that your construction plans align with the site’s conditions.

3. Bringing Your Design Vision to Life

Our experts will discuss how to transform your design concepts into a practical and functional reality.

4. Site Obstacles

We will identify and address any potential obstacles on the site, if present, to ensure a smooth construction process.

5. Site Accessibility

We’ll examine site access and other logistical considerations to facilitate the work of the construction team.

Whether you are considering purchasing a new property, subdividing an existing one, or building on land you already own, feel free to contact us to schedule your complimentary site assessment.

“Now that I have settled into my new home, I am continually impressed by the quality and functionality of the space. It has exceeded my expectations in every way and I owe this wonderful living environment to the hard work and expertise of Elevation. My family and I are thoroughly enjoying the comfort, aesthetics and functionality of our new home.
Once again, thank you for making my dream home a reality. I am grateful for your outstanding work and I look forward to enjoying the beauty of my new home for many years to come.”

Happy Client, Upper Hutt